[Middle East risk resource diplomacy important]

How stable to ensure energy

[Middle East risk resource diplomacy important] Day-to-day life and production activities of the company, such as a variety of social infrastructure, none of which, does not hold if there is no energy. It is also time, day, stable to be supplied is a basic premise, is just supporting the life life of the people. However, as can be seen Looking back half a century ago the oil crisis, by changes in the external environment is not controlled Shoga in themselves, even to the stable supply is always a risk that threaten facts. Therefore, it is the point of view of The key is energy security. Slightly self-sufficiency rate 0 fiscal was recorded, Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio (calorie basis, the production value basis). At the lowest level among developed countries, the first time since a record of the year was the worst ever, was said to be the low level of the year the first time. However, low level of self-sufficiency rate of energy is actually not in this ratio. In fact, 0 fiscal slightly. Re-operation is part of the nuclear power plant, the result is This is it that some recovery compared to the previous year.

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